We travel from Coast to Coast 

We want to give you our opinion on the best places to travel to, places to eat, stay at, activities to participate in, and why you should too. 

Whether you are looking to travel or are a local business in need of promotions. We are here to bring everyone together and support one another. 

Fun fact about Dacia Zimmer the owner-
I have been to all 50 states and over 23 countries. I have been in the tourism and hospitality industry for over 15 years. 

Business to Business

From a business stand point, we are here to support all types of businesses. From hotels, to restaurants, excursions and more. We want to promote the best that's out there. Not only can you can gain more brand awareness, but hopefully profit as well.

The first step is allowing us, as your professional influencers, to try out your place of business or product. Gaining a true understanding of the business will help to develop an honest review and share photos and content to hopefully gain you some business. We are the professional influencers you have been looking for.

To partner with us, please reach out and we would be happy to discuss options beyond the first step. Talk with you soon!

Contact us

Business to Consumer

We want to highlight and feature local businesses from coast to coast for you to enjoy and visit.

We believe in integrity and honesty. We give our honest review of places because there's nothing worse than spending money on a horrible experience, hotel or restaurant. We want this to be a win/win for both the consumer and businesses we work with.

Ask a question

Social Media Packages

Time is important and it's hard to juggle a business and social media.

Let us build or manage your social media platforms for you. You will be given monthly analytics and we will discuss a successful marketing strategy.

Our packages are ideal for organizations looking to promote their brand, product and services at affordable prices.


Social Media Package Pricing

Bronze ($899/month)
Features ~1 Social post a week (FB/IG, IG Threads) ~ 3 story posts a week ~Posting on up to 2 platforms ~Monthly Reports ~Content Creation/Development ~Account Management ~Cancel Any Time (5 Hours of work)

Silver ($1199/month)
Features ~3 Social Posts a week ~Posting on up to 2 platforms (FB/IG/Threads and 1 more platform)  ~Increase Followers ~Content Creation/Development ~Engagement with other social media pages ~Responding to comments ~4-6 story posts a week ~Influencer Management ~Monthly reports ~Account Management ~Meetings/emails with client ~Cancel Any Time~ 1 feature bi-monthly on selected professional "Thingstodo" channel (if applicable). (8 hours of work)

Gold ($1499/month)
Features ~4 Social Posts a week ~Posting on up to 3 platforms ((FB/IG/Threads and 2 more platforms) ~Comment Monitoring and Responses ~Increase Followers ~Content Creation/Development ~6-8 story posts a week ~Engaging with other businesses ~Responding to comments/leaving comments ~Engagement with other social media pages  ~Influencer Management ~1 Facebook Event ~Monthly reports ~ Meeting/emails with client ~Account Management ~ 1  feature monthly on selected professional "Thingstodo" channel ~Back link added to website~Cancel Any Time (12 hours of work)

$150 setup fee per Social Media Account/ Google Account

Google Package with SEO ($499+/month)
Features ~1 Product/Service Post a Week  ~ 2 Event Posts (if applicable) ~Content Creation/Development ~ Responses to Reviews ~Monthly reports ~2 meetings ~1 review from me ~Account Management ~Backlinks on this website ~SEO updates on business website ~1 blog post on this website after 90 days ~Cancel Any Time (5 hours of work)

*Other services are available upon request. Website development, paid digital services, graphics.

Contact us

Jump Start Package ($1,200+)

This package will involve research on existing platforms and ensuring they are all up to the level they need to be for optimal success. If there is one mistake that could be the reason why your pages aren't running appropriately.  This jump-start package includes photo updates and post updates on social and Google for 1 month, along with promotions on a selected "Thingstodo" page. Your page will gain brand awareness and followers after being promoted on the "Thingstodo" page. If requested you will also receive website optimization for 1 month along with monthly reports.

If you are happy with the results please take a look at our other packages to continue growing your business.

Contact us

North Carolina pages we own & you can be featured on-
~Things to do in Raleigh
~Things to do in Charlotte
~Things to do Wilmington 
~Carolina Beach North Carolina 
~Things to do Myrtle Beach
~Things to do in Spokane

For more details and pricing visit our Business Influencer Page

Welcome to Raleigh, NC

Visit our Social Media Pages @thingstodoinraleigh

Welcome to Charlotte, NC

Visit our Social Media Pages @thingstodoincharlottenc

Welcome to Wilmington, NC

Visit our Social Media Pages @thingstodowilmington

Welcome to Carolina Beach, NC

Visit our Social Media Pages @carolinabeachnorthcarolina

Welcome to Spokane, WA

Visit our Social Media Page @thingstodoinspokane

Welcome to Myrtle Beach, SC

Visit our Social Media Page  @thingstodomyrtlebeach

Travel Gallery

Our latest and best photos coast to coast.

We love to take pictures of places we visit and help promote tourism for the city and businesses. Can you guess where these are taken or for what business?

Be Featured

If you would like to be featured on any of our pages, please reach out for more info. or visit our pages and message each profile directly. We are professional influencers with a background in hospitality.

Contact us
My life is going on in cappadocia.